Memorial Park Golf Course

Memorial Park Golf Course

Logo of memorial park golf course golf glub, representing the prestigious golf course in texas,usa.


Green Guide​

Peut être utilisé par un débutant
Informations moins complexes

green guide style

Tour Pro​

Suivi des règles des tours professionnels
Des distances de retombées du driver

tour pro style

Rules Breaker​

Le plus détaillé avec les pentes des greens
Interdit en compétition officielle
Autorisé lors des parties de reconnaissance

rules breaker style



Nb Trous
John Bredemus
4827 - 7432
Slope - Homme
98 - 128
SSS - Homme
63 - 74
Index Min
Date de Creation


Slope - Femme
111 - 128
SSS - Femme
67 - 76


18-Hole CourseOpened in 1936. Design: John Bredemus.

Technical difficulty: ModerateScorecardTeeParCRSlopeLengthBlue (Men)72731227164 yardsWhite (Men),7270. 31166523 yardsGold (Men,7269.

51135980 yardsRed (Women)7271. 71145459 yardsPractice FacilitiesDriving RangePutting GreenChipping Green.

The course originally began as a 9-hole course with sand greens, built near the hospital at Camp Logan for use by convalescent soldiers (1912). In 1935, following the closing of the hospital, golf course architect John B Redemus redesigned the course.

It opened in July of 1936 and, according to legend, John B redemus remarked that this was his “greatest golf course ever. ” The course is known as one of the best municipal courses in the nation and is visited by more than 60,000 patrons each year.



Icon bar bar Icon location de chariots location de chariots Icon zone de chipping zone de chipping
Icon practice practice Icon empty empty Icon salle de sport salle de sport
Icon voiturette voiturette Icon ecole de golf ecole de golf Icon hotel hotel
Icon vestaires vestaires Icon garderie garderie Icon parking parking
Icon proshop proshop Icon zone de putting zone de putting Icon location clubs location clubs
Icon restaurant restaurant Icon spa spa Icon piscine piscine

Parcours Associés

Wilshire Country Club

Wilshire Country Club

The Estancia Club

Estancia Course

Bethpage State Park

Yellow Course